Doing Business in Geneseo

Geneseo is a great place for business! Potential and current business owners are invited to explore these resources for doing business in Geneseo.

Low interest loans

Call the Village of Geneseo: 585-243-1177

Sign Improvement Grants

Call the Village of Geneseo: 585-243-1177

Architectural Consultation Service

Contact the Association for the Preservation of Geneseo (APOG)

P.O. Box 294, Geneseo, NY 14454
Call: 585-243-0443

Association for the Preservation of Geneseo
Historic Home and Main Street Beautification and Restoration Grant Programs

Contact the Association for the Preservation of Geneseo (APOG)

P.O. Box 294, Geneseo, NY 14454
Call: 585-243-0443

Association for the Preservation of Geneseo
Available locations, and other business resources

Louise Wadsworth, Downtown Coordinator, Livingston County Economic Development

Livingston County Government Center
6 Court Street, Room 306
Geneseo, NY 14454

Office: 585-243-7124
Mobile: 585-764-8739

Livingston County Economic Development