Doing Business in Geneseo
Geneseo is a great place for business! Potential and current business owners are invited to explore these resources for doing business in Geneseo.
Low interest loans
Call the Village of Geneseo: 585-243-1177
Sign Improvement Grants
Call the Village of Geneseo: 585-243-1177
Architectural Consultation Service
Contact the Association for the Preservation of Geneseo (APOG)
P.O. Box 294, Geneseo, NY 14454
Call: 585-243-0443
Historic Home and Main Street Beautification and Restoration Grant Programs
Contact the Association for the Preservation of Geneseo (APOG)
P.O. Box 294, Geneseo, NY 14454
Call: 585-243-0443
Available locations, and other business resources
Louise Wadsworth, Downtown Coordinator, Livingston County Economic Development
Livingston County Government Center
6 Court Street, Room 306
Geneseo, NY 14454
Office: 585-243-7124
Mobile: 585-764-8739